Beryllium Copper Photo Etching Project for Oil Industry

Photo etched beryllium copper formed rings

VACCO’s Multi-Fab group provides precision photo etching for a variety of materials, including beryllium copper. Recently, one of our oil industry customers needed high quality services for photochemical milling of beryllium copper. This product solution required the use of VACCO’s photochemical etch line and pneumatic forming press equipment. An example of how VACCO combines its etching services with many other value added capabilities.

The products shown are formed support rings etched from high-strength beryllium copper C172, known for its high thermal conductivity. The finished units measured ~4.5” overall with a thickness of 0.005″. Our photo etching process maintained dimensional tolerances of ± 0.0005” and formed tolerances of ± 0.003”.

VACCO’s expertise, superior materials, and inspection systems, including Statistical Process Control (SPC), resulting in high-quality photoetched formed rings. Additional details for the beryllium copper photo etching project are listed in the table below. Contact us directly to learn more.

For further information, or to learn more about our other capabilities, contact us.

Beryllium Copper Photo Etching Project Highlights

Product Name
Formed Support Rings
Product Description
This is used as a reinforcement ring for an injected molded seal.
Capabilities Applied/Processes
Photochemical Etching
Equipment Used to Manufacture Part
Photo Chem Etch Line
Forming Press with 4 Post Die Set
Overall Part Dimensions
OD: ø 4.5”
Width: 24”
Thickness: 0.005”
Tightest Tolerances
Etching: ± 0.0005”
Forming: ± 0.003”
Material Used
Beryllium Copper BeCu C172 Half Hard
In-process testing/inspection performed
In-process Data Collection per our SPC Quality
Procedures for IQS (part of our Six Sigma culture)
MicroVue Inspection
Industry for Use
100 per year
Delivery/Turnaround Time
7 – 9 weeks
Delivery Location
West Coast
Standards Met
Customer Specifications, 2D CAD Drawing

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